Monday, November 27, 2023


Next up in my, "Where Are They Now?" series is former staff kid, photographer, graphics designer and painter, J. Douglas Thompson.

Although Doug is a "little" older than me, our families have some strong connections going back many years. Doug's father, John served at Prairie College in marketing and development and was a man of considerable art talent himself. This gene has passed on to his children. My Dad worked with John and has often told me that he was, "way ahead of his time" in his ideas for branding, advertising and marketing. My father in law, Doug Kirk, produced a radio program with John back in the day and found him a delight to work with.

Back to Doug . . . Doug's use of light in his paintings and specifically his skies is absolutely stunning! Many of Doug's paintings incorporate the themes of storms and of solitary trees battling the winds against incredible odds. This is in part a reflection of Doug's own life and journey and the fact that there have been more than a few dark days, trauma and trials that have been dealt his way.
Doug also has a blog entitled: Reflections of a Wandering Artist.

From Doug's blog: "Reflections of a Wandering Artist are musings of a struggling wayfarer who has slipped, sipped and swallowed at the rim of life's light, dark storms, and misty shadows. Beauty and brokenness, daily fare of all earths fellow pilgrims draws him to consider that light demands darkness to truly sparkle. These thoughts are primarily for the encouragement and kind cajoling of fellow strugglers, that hope and joy are found in silence, solitude, and surrendered thankfulness at our Creator's lap, Abba."

Hot off the press is Doug's brand new coffee table book entitled: "Radiance Through The Rain" of which I am proud to say I have a signed copy and value it greatly.

If you are ever in the Prince Edward County region of Ontario, be sure and stop in and visit Doug and his gallery.

Check out the website of Artist: J. Douglas Thompson and explore some of his paintings and photography:

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